The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 12 Training
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 12 Training
For The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 12 Training sessions I am feeling much more positive about this entire endeavour. Week 12 on the original plan was a cutback week, so it actually suits nicely as a comeback week as well. I almost feel guilty about how excited I am to get back to the hard training. I got my blood tests results back, and these were insightful. I'll not mention the other injury that set me back a little over a week, but let's just say, I'm running. All will be revealed in the Week 11 update post coming up on Monday.
In the A few Minutes With the Coach section of the post, I'll take a moment to discuss my thoughts on the mental preparations I go through when training for a marathon. We all know how mentally hard marathon racing is. So why don't we take this part of the sport as seriously as we do the physical training? I'll discuss some of the most effective mental training techniques I use.
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 12 Running Sessions
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 12 running sessions has 5 days of workouts. There is one no running day and one rest day. This week promises some very challenging workouts and I'm looking forward to taking them on head first.
Monday: No Running Day
No running, but possibly a short hike or a few miles on the bike today.
Tuesday: 6 miles (10k) easy run
Tuesday's 6 miler (10k) is just an endurance builder as I work my way back after missing some time.
Wednesday: 13 miles (21k km) tempo run
Wednesday's tempo run will be run as 1 mile (1.5k) easy, 11 miles sub 7:00/mile (4:21/km), and finished off with 1 mile (1.5k) easy.
Thursday: 5 mile (8 km) - easy run
Once again, like Tuesday, this easy effort run is an endurance builder.
Friday: Rest Day
Rest day
Saturday: 5k Max Effort
Saturday will replicate a 5k race. I would have used parkrun for this type of training when living in Fermanagh, but as we don't have parkrun here in Spain, I'll go and run this all out with a 2k warmup and 2k cool down.
Sunday: 10 miles (16 km) easy + 5 miles (8k) sub 6:50/mile (4:15/km)
Sunday is a more gentle medium-long run that finishes with the last 5 miles (8k) at a faster pace. These long runs with a fast finish are excellent speed-endurance workouts.
Strength & Conditioning
For the 2:49 Project Week 10 training strength and conditioning routine I am maintaining 50 reps per exercise.
50 reps push ups
50 crunches
90 second plank
50 squats
50 dead bugs (each side)
50 bicycle crunches (each side)
50 lunges
I repeat these until I hit 20 minutes. This is almost always 2 sets of each exercise. I then finish the routine off with:
50 reps close hands push ups
I perform a 20 minute yoga for runners routine from YouTube 3 days per week. This is a very welcome stretch after all the running during the week.2
A Few Minutes With the Coach
In this section of the post, I'll take a few minutes to discuss a topic each week that is pertinent to my training. Each week I'll tackle one specific part of my training and explain either why I do what I do, or the reason behind my training sessions. This week I would like to talk about the mental preparation I go through when marathon training;
The Importance of Mental Preparation
The 2:49 Marathon Project is my attempt to PB and hopefully finish the Valencia Marathon under the 2:50 mark. I'll need to be in peak physical condition to do this. But I'll also need to be mentally prepared to face such a task. As a matter of fact, whatever time someone wishes to finish a marathon, mental preparation is a key ingredient to the training block. It actually surprises me that this isn't a more publicised part of the training.
Anyone who has ever ran a marathon will tell you that there is a time where they question themselves. The brain will ask some, if not all, of these questions:
- Why am I doing this?
- I can't go any further, can I?
- Is carrying on worth it?
- Wouldn't it be easier to stop?
- What was I thinking?
Oftentimes the questions begin in the days leading up to the marathon and on the start line. This is why mental preparation is so important. Marathon racing is like most things in life, good preparation will increase the probability of success.
Mental Preparation Techniques
The Valencia Marathon is still 5-weeks away, but I'm starting my mental preparation. It's vital for me to actually believe I can break 2:50. If I don't believe it, what is the point? This is a non-starter. I must not only believe it in my heart, but I need to convince my brain to believe it. Throughout the training block I do the following things in order to be ready:
I Know My Why
As Simon Sinek would say, know your why. If something is important to me, I will follow it through. Nobody would suffer through so much self-inflicted pain if their why wasn't a big deal to them and I'm no different. My why is always because I am not ready for life to get the better of me. I was close to losing it on a few occasions and now I'm fighting back. I am proving to myself that I am stronger than I ever thought I could be.
I Use Mantras
I use mantras for the hard runs and the difficult situations that arise. These challenges are faced nearly every week during a 16-week block. It could be a difficult run, difficult weather, an injury creeping in, not feeling well. Whatever the challenge I'm facing at the time, I remind myself that I'm strong. I have battled through harder things in my life. I can do hard things. I like to do hard things! These statements go on repeat when the going gets tough.
I Use Affirmations
About 3 weeks out, I start telling myself that I'm a 2:49 marathoner. Over and over I repeat this statement. Even before my feet hit the ground in the morning. I am reminded all day, every day that I am a 2:49 marathoner.
I Use Visualisation Techniques
When I explain this to people, I compare it to a golfer or a footballer who stands over their upcoming shot or kick and they see it finishing in success. I visualise the finish line and how it is going to feel when I reach my goal. I see the clock with my target time on it ticking. I hear the crowds roaring. I feel the medal going around my neck. I convince myself that this is not only possible, but this is what will happen.
I Visualise the Hard Parts Too
I prepare how I'm going to work through the race when the going gets tough. I see myself on the course and feeling the pain. I rehearse what I will say to myself and how I push through. I convince myself that I can get through these hard parts.
Look Good, Feel Good, Run Good
This is a technique that is probably underrated. Much like going to a job interview, when you dress for success, it is that much closer. I try to fill my head full of confidence and whatever I can do to achieve that, I'm going to do. So for me, it means ensuring I get my haircut, I have my best running gear (nothing new) and that I feel fast.
Racing Shoes are for RACING
Much like the above technique, I only break out my racing shoes for a few of the harder, faster sessions during the block. I want them to feel special. When I put these on, I know I'll be running fast today.
These are some of the more effective mental preparation techniques that I've used for my marathon training. My more successful marathons in particular have been greatly improved by being mentally prepared for the hard parts. We will all face these doubts and questions on the course. By being prepared to face them, we are preparing for a successful result.
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 12 Training Summary
In summary, the 2:49 Marathon Project Week 12 Training has a total of 45 miles (72 km). It is the perfect balance for me to return to running. I am looking forward to meeting this week head on and having a great week of running.
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