The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 15 Training
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 15 Training
For The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 15 Training sessions we have arrived at the penultimate week. Am I ready for the Valencia Marathon? Well, I think so. This training block has not gone 100% to plan, but things really started coming together a couple of weeks ago. What we all know about marathon running is that nothing is guaranteed. Yes, we need to put all the hard work in. Yes, we can control the controllables. But, everything needs to come together on the day. The running gods must be on our side.
There really isn't much I can do at this point. I have a total of three more long runs and then the taper begins. On Wednesday of week 15 I have the last of the hard work. From that point on, my body will not derive any adaptive benefit from any hard work. At that point it will be about preparing for race day. In this week's A Few Minutes with the Coach, I'll discuss the importance and the ultimate goals of a taper. It is an important part of the training process and I'll go through my thoughts.
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 15 Running Sessions
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 15 training sessions includes 5 days of training for a total of 63 miles (101 km). This week has a couple of long runs. These are sessions that I began doing in my marathon blocks a few years back. They suit me better than probably some other athletes. I enjoy the distance and it prepares me mentally for the last 10k of race day. I talked quite a bit about mental preparation over the last 14 weeks. It is important for me to be able to push through the hard parts come marathon Sunday.
Monday: Rest day
Monday's rest day is necessary in order for me to hit my targets for the rest of the week.
Tuesday: 22 miles (35 km) easy effort with sporadic harder efforts
For this long run, I will add in some short blocks of harder efforts during what is mostly an easy effort run.
Wednesday: 20 miles (32 km) easy run with sporadic harder efforts
This second of back-to-back 20 milers will be executed the same as Tuesday's long run. There will be some harder efforts thrown in the mix.
Thursday: Rest day
My legs, as well as the rest of the week's training, will benefit greatly from the day off.
Friday: 5 mile (8 km) - steady run
This steady run is designed to replicate a comfortably hard effort towards the end of the marathon. I will without a doubt have very tired legs during this session.
Saturday: 5k tempo run
Saturday will once again be a 5k hard effort sandwiched between some easy miles. 1k easy, 3k hard, 1k easy
Sunday: 13 miles (21 km) easy - Some pacy miles in the mix
Sunday is the first shorter run I've had on a Sunday in quite some time. It is a sign that the end is in sight.
Strength & Conditioning
For the 2:49 Marathon Project Week 15 training strength and conditioning routine I am maintaining 50 reps per exercise.
50 reps push ups
50 crunches
90 second plank
50 squats
50 dead bugs (each side)
50 bicycle crunches (each side)
50 lunges
I repeat these until I hit 20 minutes. This is almost always 2 sets of each exercise. I then finish the routine off with:
50 reps close hands push ups
I perform a 20 minute yoga for runners routine from YouTube 3 days per week. This is a very welcome stretch after all the running during the week.
A Few Minutes With the Coach
In this section of the post, I'll take a few minutes to discuss a topic each week that is pertinent to my training. Each week I'll tackle one specific part of my training and explain either why I do what I do, or the reason behind my training sessions. This week I'll take a moment to discuss the importance of the taper period and my methodology for getting through the taper.
The Taper
The 2:49 Marathon Project has been a long haul. I've experienced ups and downs but one thing I can say is that I've worked hard. I've been consistent. I've shown up on the days I've been physically able to show up. The taper is a welcome sight. So, the question is, what is the taper? For many, the taper is simply a break from the hard training. A time to rest up and take it easy. For a first time marathoner, this could last up to 3 weeks. The more of these we do and the faster we wish to run, the shorter the taper (typically).
Why taper? Well, I've covered a vast distance over the past 14 weeks. From the 18th of August I've covered over 700 miles (1131 km). There have been quite a few speed sessions, strength and conditioning, long runs, a little bit of everything. During the cutback weeks, my body was able to get a little more recovery than it would in a high-load week. However, there will be accumulated fatigue built up. There are additional adaptations my body will make. During my 10 day taper, my body will rest and recover. My cardiovascular and neuromuscular will make the gains from the work put in. I will replenish energy stores and my muscles will repair micro-tears. The taper is a time for me to sleep more, and continue to eat healthy, whole-foods. The objective is to show up on the start line of the marathon in peak condition.
Why a 10 Day Taper and Not 3 Weeks?
The human body requires 7-10 days to adapt to any hard work we've given it. Therefore, there is no need to push the body for adaptive changes within the last 10 days. However, before that, we can still get adaptive changes from the hard work. It's as simple as that. That is why I don't take a 3-week taper.
At the end of the day, it is about the objective. If my objective was to complete the marathon, then I've done enough work now. I just need to keep the volume topped up. But my objective is to run a marathon faster than I have ever done so. Therefore, I need to continue to work until I will no longer benefit. Thus, a 10-day taper.
Now, let's just hope I've done enough. I will discuss more about race day preparation next week. Until then, have a great week.
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 15 Training Summary
In summary, the 2:49 Marathon Project Week 15 Training has a total of 63 miles (101 km). The excitement is building. From Wednesday onwards it will be all about race day preparation. I believe I have tackled all of the training gaps I missed while preparing for Manchester in April where I ran 2:54. The training has been structured slightly differently and I am hopeful it will address my speed-endurance issues from earlier this year. I'm looking forward to getting the last of the hard work done!
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